Monday, 17 April 2017


photo credit: MTSOfan

4 major categories of stewardship role

" We do not choose to be born. we do not choose our parents. We do not choose our historical epoch, the country of our birth, or the immediate circumstances of our upbringing. We do not, most of us, choose to die, nor do we choose the time and conditions of our death. We do choose how we live"
Joseph Epstein

1. Stewardship of Time- This is about using time effectively to think, plan, and work with others. The successful use of your time improves your chance of doing other things that will positively impact others.
"Short as life is, we make it still shorter"   
Victor Hugo playwright

2. Stewardship of the Physiological state- This involves the body, mind relationship; physical rest, exercise, food and the effect of our mind on our relationships with others.

3. Stewardship of Money- This is about the prudent management of financial resources. If you see money as a means to an end, you are able to deploy it judiciously to help others.

4. Stewardship of Talents- you must identify your talents and effectively use them to facillitate the acievement of your life's purpose.
"At creation, certain things were deposited inside of you to make you a success on planet earth. There is something inside that that is able to answer the questions of life. There is a treasure in your nature that is able to terminate all your pressures in life. Until you know it, your struggle continues, the treasure is what I call talent."  Dr David Oyedepo
 for more info get CHOOSE to make a DIFFERENCE! by SEYI WRIGHT

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