Just like the American singer Chris Brown said, if it was happening else where say France, Texas or anywhere non blacks are involved, many notable people and organisations would be talking about it
There would even be a frenzy on social media about it. When I first heard that West Africans were been auctioned in a slave market in Libya, my first thought was ‘why leave your country and embark on a journey to Europe by land’ but someone asked me ‘do you know what could necessitate a man to leave his territory and seek pastures(not necessarily greener) because some of these migrants don’t even have pasture talk-less green in their own country. Being an open minded person I let his question marinate. Now, seeing photos of young Africans and videos of them narrating their ordeals in the hands of these barbarians, I begin to wonder if the disturbing effect that comes with it affects just me or that African leaders and other bodies that could very well jump on this, have totally closed their minds to the plight of common Africans?
Lets come back home to Nigeria. Many of the people being sold into slavery are definitely Nigerians and after several weeks since the sad news broke, one would have thought our government, influencial politicians and celebs who are quick to ‘weep for France’, ‘Stand with America’ were totally silent about the matter. Most of them just jolted back to reality and are now flooding our timeline with ‘say no to slavery’.
To our leaders, how do you go to bed at night, knowing that your selfish act of looting our common wealth is what has impoverished the people, the very people that put you there. In return, these people have been pushed into taking dangerous routes to seek pastures(whether green or pale yellow), in order to escape from the misery that your greed has plunged them.
To the people, these leaders know where they meet themselves. In politics, you know ‘there are no permanent foes only permanent interests’. Let the people unite, let us keep talking about the ills in our world and when we don’t stop our leaders would have no choice to deal with it else our insistence will weary them.
Stay woke!!!
source - informationng
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