Tuesday, 1 August 2017



There are ways which people tend to deal with a job loss, most people are always very depressed and they end up going everywhere with their heads bowed down

We have outlined what should be done incase there is a job loss.

Don’t panic
According to www.lifehacks.com, the initial loss of a job is stressful, and it often makes us lose our clarity and focus on planning the next steps. But you don’t have to descend into an anxiety spiral. There are always options, and the key is to let yourself have the time and space to determine what those are. You won’t be able to move forward without a clear head and an open mind.

This can be as simple as taking the time to gather all of your contacts off of your computer, so you can send a thoughtful email once you get your footing again.

Accept your situation
Stave off panic by stepping back and taking stock of your own feelings. Validate your right to feel miserable; you’re a human being. You have a right to feel unhappy. Once you’ve given your emotions space to exist, you can start to see the big picture more clearly, enabling you to act in ways that will help you and your career.

Don’t borrow blindly from your retirement account
When your cash flow begins to dry up, you may be tempted to turn to your retirement account. But you should think twice before cashing out while unemployed. If you do, you could find yourself with the extra burden of taxes on the funds you withdrew (for contributions to retirement funds that are pre-tax) and a 10 per cent penalty if you crack into your nest egg before you’re 50 years old. In general, breaking into your retirement savings early could erode 40-50% of the money you take out because of taxes and fees.

Rethink your priorities
Once you’ve established a particular standard of living, it can be tough to adjust it downward, but it’s crucial to separate your wants from your needs and make the necessary changes to reflect your new financial reality. Particularly if you’re living off your emergency fund, you’ll need to think about where you can cut back so you don’t eat through your savings so quickly.

Don’t avoid creditors
Personal pride can often get in the way of asking for help, especially if you’re feeling ashamed, but it’s better talking to your creditors right away to explain that you lost your job. The more your lenders know about your circumstances, the more likely they’ll be to help you out. Some ways creditors can lend a hand? They might be willing to renegotiate your credit terms or freeze your interest rates, though the terms attached to that will depend on what kind of loan you have.

Don’t clam up
One of the biggest mistakes people make is not engaging with others when unemployed. The shame of job loss can scare people away from healthy and productive social interactions. But that only increases the negative pressure on an already stressful situation. It’s better to spend unemployment time creating projects for yourself and executing them. It’s good for you mentally because you are doing something meaningful with your time and that will keep your spirits up. If you’re feeling sorry for yourself, volunteering can also boost your mood.

Take a balanced view of your situation
Psychologists recommend adopting a mindful perspective during unemployment, refocusing on the positive aspects of your life. That includes self-reflection and being honest with yourself about the causes behind your job loss. It’s not healthy to beat yourself up because you got laid off in the middle of hard economic times. With the high unemployment rate around, getting laid off is dishearteningly common, and you don’t want to wreck your confidence over something that’s out of your control.

Don’t neglect your health
Watch your stress levels, whether that means taking up meditation, yoga, or simply trying to smile more. Don’t let yourself become too busy to exercise, especially because it’s been shown to reduce stress and actually help people build stronger relationships. All in all, unemployment can be extremely draining, but remember, it’s almost always temporary! By leaning on friends, family, and your own inner fortitude, you’ll brave the storm and come out stronger in the end.

Source: ( Punch Newspaper )

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