photo credit: Go-tea 郭天
He Disconnects When You Get Emotional With Him
Emotions are suppose to be reciprocated.While most women date they anticipate the time in their relationships when they are in love with the guy and can tell him how they feel. However, if you open up to your man and tell him how you feel repeatedly and he doesn’t reciprocate or tries to downplay the entire topic, this could be a sign that his heart lies elsewhere.
He Never Introduced You To His Family Or Close friends
You are wondering he has met your friends and family and he has not introduced you to his family and friends or incidentally you met any of his friends or family and he introduced you has just a friend. My dear are you just a friend?
He Never Talks About the Future
He his not interested in your life dreams and shows no interest in your vision or support you in accomplish it. His focus is on the here and now and he doesn’t see the need in sharing his future plans because you likely won’t be around for long.
He Never Spends the Night
He always gives excuses of having meetings or work at nights, that because has to be home by a certain
time, or even if his woman knows he’s cheating, all she cares about is
that he comes home every night.That’s because his time is
being accounted for by another woman.
He His never Around During Holidays
Relationships last longer when we spend time together most especially holidays but If you man His never around during holidays their every probability His time is committed to another woman.
He Base The Relationship On Mutual Benefit
He only calls when he wants to get intimate with. All of his compliments and attention are focused on your physical appearance. He’s only interested in have sex with you because of probably your beauty and not planing to spending the rest of His life with you.
He Base The Relationship On Mutual Benefit
He only calls when he wants to get intimate with. All of his compliments and attention are focused on your physical appearance. He’s only interested in have sex with you because of probably your beauty and not planing to spending the rest of His life with you.
He Never Allow you Go To His House , Only See Each Other At Hotels
That’s because his time is being accounted for by another woman. He has to be home by a certain time, or even if his woman knows he’s cheating, its the end of his marriage which he his protecting.
You Rarely Go On Dates in Public Places
That’s because his time is being accounted for by another woman. He has to be home by a certain time, or even if his woman knows he’s cheating, its the end of his marriage which he his protecting.
You Rarely Go On Dates in Public Places
If he claims you are His woman, there is one question you should ask your self. Why is He always reluctant to go out in public with you. You should see each other outside of your respective homes. If you only meet at the hotel, motel, or Holiday Inn, you’re definitely not his main chick. Your dates shouldn’t be limited to dive bars and restaurants on the out-skirts of town either. If they are, he’s likely trying to avoid being seen by people he knows.
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